Deer Mice Carrying Hantavirus

Deer mice are a common sight in North America, and while they may be cute, they can also be dangerous. Deer mice are one of the leading carriers of hantavirus, a disease that can be fatal to humans. Hantavirus is a deadly virus that affects humans, and it is spread by deer mouse urine and droppings. Deer mouse droppings will look like tiny black pellets about 1/8″ long with pointed ends.

This article will discuss what hantavirus is and how you can protect yourself from it. We will also explain how to detect deer mice, their symptoms, and how they are typically treated. Also, we will provide some tips on preventing a mouse infestation in your home or business.

Facts About Deer Mice

Deer mice are a type of rodent that is found in North America.

Deer mice have huge, prominent eyes with leaf-like ears. Their head and body measure 2-3 inches long, but the tail is just as long, weighing between 0.5 and 1.0 ounces.

They are reddish-brown or gray, and they have white underbellies. They’re called deer mice because their fur closely resembles a wild deer. The best way to tell them apart from all other species would be bicolored tails: on top will always appear dark while underneath it shines lighter due to its undercoat being whiter than usual.

Deer mice are omnivorous, and they eat a variety of foods, including seeds, fruits, insects, and small animals. Deer mice are active during the day and night. They are excellent climbers and swimmers. They use their tails to help them climb, balance on logs, and swim across streams. Hikers often find them swimming in the mountain lakes.

Deer mice breed in late summer or early fall. Deer mice also breed quickly, which causes large populations. A female deer mouse may have up to six litters every year. Each litter typically has four to six young mice.

These mice are best known for their aggressive behavior. They often fight among each other, and they have even been observed killing other species of mice. Their small size allows them to fit into tiny holes that other animals cannot reach.

The deer mouse has an excellent sense of hearing, and their large ears also help them regulate their body temperature in different surroundings. Their big brown eyes are susceptible to light. They will stand up on their hind legs to get a better look at what is going on around them!

Deer Mice And Disease

Deer mice are carriers of a disease called hantavirus. Hantavirus is a deadly virus that affects humans. It is spread by deer mouse urine and droppings, and it can be fatal if left untreated. The virus was first identified in 1993, and it is found in the eastern United States.

Hantavirus is a severe respiratory disease caused by infection with hantaviruses present in the feces, urine, or saliva of infected rodents. The virus is not airborne and it can be passed on to humans if they breathe in particles that have been in contact with the feces, urine or saliva of an infected rodent.

The most common symptoms are fever, headache, nausea, muscle aches, and fatigue. It usually takes about 2 weeks after the person has come into contact with the virus to show any symptoms. But even people who do not show any signs might still be able to infect other people.

There is no specific treatment for hantavirus, but there are ways to support the body and relieve some of the symptoms of the disease. If a person knows they have been exposed or exhibits symptoms, call your physician immediately or seek urgent medical attention at a nearby hospital.

Deer mice also carry other diseases, such as salmonella and Lyme disease. Salmonella can cause diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that can lead to joint pain, fatigue, and memory problems. It can be treated with antibiotics if caught early, but it can be fatal if left untreated.

Deer Mice Infestation

One of the signs that you may have a deer mouse infestation is finding droppings around your home. Deer mouse droppings are typically about 1/4 inch long and cylindrical. They are also usually dark brown or black.

Here are a few more signs that you might have deer mice in your home:

  • You hear scurrying in the walls or ceilings at night.
  • Hearing rustling sounds from above your ceiling, wall, or floor. These sounds may be accompanied by scratching and gnawing. You can also find tufts of hair or sawdust at these locations.
  • Finding a sweet, musty odor in your home. This smell is typically caused by urine and droppings left behind by mice.

Deer mice can cause severe damage to your home and property. For example, they tend to gnaw on electrical wires, resulting in house fires and power outages. Deer mice can also contaminate food with their droppings and urine, making you and your family sick.

If you think you have a deer mouse infestation, it is essential to take action right away. The following are ways to get rid of deer mice.

How to Get Rid of Deer Mice

There are some things you can do to help keep deer mice out of your house:

  • Seal any cracks or holes in the foundation, walls, or roof that are bigger than a quarter. You can also use steel wool to fill in any cracks or holes.
  • Seal off the spaces under doors with weather stripping, caulk, woodblocks, or metal mesh.
  • Put screens over vents and chimneys so mice cannot get in through these areas.
  • Keep your yard clean and free of debris. Remove any piles of leaves, wood, or trash where mice might live.
  • Store your food in airtight containers. Do not leave food out on the counter or in the pantry.
  • If you have a pet, keep it inside and do not let it roam outside. Pets can bring mice into the house.
  • Use traps or poison to kill the mice in your house. Do not touch the mouse carcasses with your bare hands.

If you find deer mice in your home, call a pest control company. It is not recommended that you try to poison or trap the rodents yourself as they may carry diseases, and you can easily make a mistake and expose yourself to them. Calling professionals ensures that the process goes quickly and safely.

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