How to Get Rid of American Cockroach

Cockroaches are pests that thrive in warm, moist environments. They can be found worldwide and can survive for weeks without food and months without water! This makes them extremely resilient to harsh conditions. One of the most common cockroach species is American Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana), which often reside outdoors but will also make their way indoors during colder seasons or if they sense a lack of food outside. These roach infestations usually come from other properties like homes, warehouses, restaurants, etc… Once inside, these cockroaches can travel through ducts and vents, making it even more difficult to eradicate them from your property.

In this blog post, we will learn about some facts and get rid of these pesky insects.

American Cockroach Facts & Identification

American cockroaches are the second largest of the pest cockroach species. American cockroaches are among the most popular household insects in the Eastern U.S. They are typically a dark reddish-brown color and have a much wider pronotum than it is long. American cockroaches also have fully developed wings but rarely use them in the home environment.

They are unique because they can fly short distances – up to 20 feet or so. They’ll typically find their way under doors, into homes, and other buildings. They will invade pantries, cabinets, and cooler areas of homes where food is available, like the kitchen. They may also be found in bathrooms if there’s standing water around or inside plumbing areas.

The cockroach life cycle is highly dependent on temperature and humidity levels, but it varies between species. Most 1 to 2-year-old American cockroaches are female. Male adults live about a month or less after they mature, while females live 3-4 months. The lifespan of a juvenile American roach is 6-20 months after it hatches.

The female will carry her egg case (called an ootheca) until she is ready to deposit the eggs, and then this life stage can last from 4-10 weeks. Thus, the female will lay about 12-13 fertilized ootheca during her lifetime, producing between 150 and 300 young in all.

The female deposits each egg case within 24 hours. After she lays it, the female immediately seeks a suitable dark place to hide and protect it until the eggs hatch. This usually means traveling along walls or beneath floorboards where she has plenty of protection from natural light. It’s not uncommon for the cockroach to tie off each egg case with a bit of silk.

Within four weeks after they are laid, the eggs will start to hatch into nymphs (called the “nymphal” stage in this species). It takes about three months for the young cockroaches to grow up and reach adulthood. The last two moltings occur within 6-8 weeks after the cockroaches are born. Females may begin to reproduce in their second year of life.

American Cockroach Infestation

Some of the most common signs of an American cockroach infestation are small brown or black droppings, egg cases, and unpleasant smells. However, some cockroaches are more nocturnal than others, so you may not see them very often.

For the most part, all cockroaches are drawn to decaying matter and thus can also be spotted near central heaters or on fire escapes – places where they might find access to steam pipes supplying heating systems. However, as with most pests, American cockroaches will avoid the light and are more likely to seek refuge in dark areas within a building.

Some of the other common signs of an infestation include their droppings. These droppings may be left inside cupboards or perhaps around kitchen sink pipes – where water is running or standing for a while.

If you have a pet, cockroach droppings from American roaches may be transferred to dog bowls or other food-and-water dishes.

In large buildings infested with these pests, the dead bodies of adult and immature American cockroaches can result in a very unpleasant odor that will spread throughout the building.

When an infestation has taken hold, cockroaches can become such a nuisance that tenants move out as they may start experiencing allergic reactions to the saliva and excrement left behind by the insects.

If you find American cockroach droppings in your home or business, then one of the first things to do is identify where the cockroaches are entering the property. 

How to get rid of these? Read more.

How to Get Rid of American Cockroaches

American Cockroaches are found worldwide. They are mostly seen in the warmer states of America, but they can be found in many regions and countries as well. Cockroach extermination is a difficult task, and it must be done with finesse and patience. The following steps will help you get rid of these pesky pests:

  • Seal off all entry points into your home- This includes cracks around windows, door frames, baseboards, and any other openings • Use roach traps which can be purchased at most pet stores
  • Cover all food particles with something such as a plate or bowl to keep them out of sight
  • Vacuum up any crumbs or dust that may have fallen on the floor. The cockroaches will feed off this.
  • If using a chemical, place it in areas where there is high traffic or where cockroaches are frequent. Use pesticides sparingly as they can cause health issues for both humans and pets. This is why you should only use them in areas that need it most or if you used roach traps and they did not work.

When a large infestation occurs, better call a professional. They will identify the severity of your infestation and go from there. In addition, they will most likely use various methods to rid your home of these pesky pests.

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