How to Prepare Your Home For Springtime to Avoid Pest

Springtime is a welcomed sign for many people. It means warmer weather, blooming flowers, and the sound of chirping birds are just around the corner. However, with spring comes an increased chance of encountering pesky insects that have been hibernating all winter long. This blog post will give you tips on preparing your home for these little creatures that can wreak havoc in your house if not dealt with properly.

Why Insects Appear during Spring Time?

Insects are often found during the spring season. One of the most common reasons is that insects can find food more easily in warmer weather. Another reason is that the weather has not yet reached its peak, and insects are often the first to feel the effects of a season. 

In spring, many insects can be found outside their winter homes or in areas warmer than usual. This does not mean that they have appeared from thin air; most insect species spend winter inside different forms of shelter, such as trees or a house. Some insects can survive winter inside the shelter of their own homes!

When the weather is favorable, insects like to come out and play. They are often seen fluttering around or perched on flowers. At this time, they lay their eggs; some species of insects even do this right before they die! Insects can be found in nearly every part of the planet, but most can be observed during spring because of these factors. 

Many insects play different roles in the ecosystems they live in. Some are predators, while others are herbivores. These species help maintain a balance in the food chain that is kept intact by plants and animals alike!

What Insects Come Out During Spring Time?

Insects come out during springtime, and these insects also depend on the temperature and the humidity. Some insects come out during this time of year. It is important to know what the specific insects are, as these insects become a problem for those who love their lawn.

Some of the insects that show up during this time of year include:

Crickets: There are two main types, black field crickets, and house crickets. The black field cricket is about an inch long and can be found near trees or rocks where they like to hide out during the day. They come out at night to feed and tend to be nocturnal, but in colder areas, they stay hidden in their hiding places and only come out on warmer days. 

House crickets are gray, black, or tan with spots on them and can grow up to 1 ¼ inch long. They do not fly, so the wings are not seen.

House Flies: There are many types of flies, but the common housefly is the one that likes to come inside homes. House flies can be identified by their red eyes, and their black body. They have a wingspan of about ¾ inch, with gray or tan hairs on their bodies. 

Most have yellow stripes on their bodies near where they have to breathe through their mouthparts. House flies do not feed on blood, so they are not considered to be dangerous insects. They can be quite annoying, though, and carry germs that cause food poisoning.

House beetles: These insects are often confused with cockroaches, but if one sees them in daylight, they will easily tell the difference. House beetles tend to like warm places like basements and attics, while cockroaches tend to prefer kitchens and bathrooms. 

The adult beetle is small at only ⅕ of an inch long, and they tend to be shiny black. The larvae, or baby beetle, are gray and shiny and can grow up to 1 ½ inch long when fully grown.

House beetles like to move into the wooden beams of a home, and they need softwood that is damp for them to build their cocoons and lay their eggs inside these wooden beams. They also tend to like cardboard boxes and paper products, so they can be found on walls behind these items as well.

Spiders: The brown recluse spider is a type of spider that comes out during springtime. Their shiny brown body can identify them with a darker brown ‘fiddle’ shape on their backs. They tend to be about 1 ½ inches long, and the fiddle is usually in the center of their back, near where they have eight eyes. 

When people get bitten by them, it can result in necrosis or dying tissue around the bite’s area, which is why they are looked upon with fear. The good news is that they tend to stay in dark areas, so unless someone has a home that has very little lighting inside it, they are unlikely to be found anywhere but in the walls during the daytime.

The other type of spider one may find out about during this time of year would be orb weaver spiders. These spiders like to make webs, and they come in a variety of colors and sizes. Their round can identify them, not too big body and legs that tend to look like the letter ‘M.’ Their bodies are about ½ an inch long, but their legs can grow up to ¾ inches long, making them quite large.

Mosquitoes: These are the type of insects that people remember most during this time of year. Mosquitoes can be identified by their long thin bodies with wings and six legs. They like to bite humans because they need blood for their eggs to mature. The common mosquito is grayish-black in color, but some are brownish, and some types in the tropics have white stripes on their legs. Some mosquitoes like to stay out in the sun, while others prefer to bite at dusk or dawn when it is still dark outside.

Wasps: These insects can be identified by their black or yellow striped body with three pairs of legs on the thorax or midsection. They also have a pair of antennae on their head, but there are a type of wasps called thread wasps that can be identified by their thin waists, which are almost as long as the rest of their bodies. 

The best way to identify if it is a wasp or another flying insect that one may see is by their wings. Wasps have two pairs of wings nearly the same size, while most other types of insects will only have one set of wings. Showing their black and yellow striped bodies, these insects can be found hovering around flowers just waiting for a chance to sting someone.

Ants: Ants are one of the most common types of insects, and they like to move into homes during springtime when there is a lot of moisture around. People will see trails on their floor if they have an infestation, but they can also be found in the same areas that cockroaches are, which are kitchens and bathrooms. 

Ants, like other insects, have six legs, three body parts (the head, thorax, and abdomen), antennae on their heads, two eyes, and six small openings called spiracles on each side of their abdomens.

Ants can be found in various colors, but the most common ants that one is likely to see are either black or red.

How to Prepare Your Home For Springtime To Avoid These Pests?

There are many ways in which you can prepare your home for springtime to avoid pests. One way is to seal up cracks or gaps that provide access to insects. You also should be sure that you are not leaving out food sources for them to get into. It is important to keep all of your trash cans closed tightly and keep the lids on pet food containers. Paying attention to the little things like this will ensure that your house remains pest-free. There are also certain species of animals, such as snakes, which you should be aware of because they are looking for a place warm to spend their winter. Also, you can keep your grass trimmed low because this also helps discourage them from entering your home.

You should also pay close attention to firewood. If there are cracks in the wood it can provide a place for insects and pests to hide. You can spray the wood with some diluted D-Limonene (orange oil) to help keep them away from it and keep it stored inside if possible. You can also use some Tanglefoot Pest Barrier to keep insects off the wood. This way, they won’t be attracted to the wood inside your home.

The threat of pests is not as bad as it seems. If you take the time to seal up cracks and gaps, keep your home clean and maintained, and watch for any signs of insects and rodents and you will be fine all spring and summer long. Also, with the help of Pest Control Company, you can make sure that your home remains free of these unwanted housemates.

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