Spiders are one of the most hated creatures in the world. They have been around for many years and are found all over the world. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and behavior patterns. Some spiders are venomous, while others are not. Almost everyone is scared of them, and they come up with all sorts of myths about what spiders do to people. But how much do you know about these creatures? Read on for some interesting facts about spider species so you can better understand these fascinating creatures!
Facts About Wolf Spiders
Spiders are one of the most diverse groups of animals on earth, with almost 45,000 species. They do not have lungs and instead breathe through their shells. The smallest spider is around 1 mm long, while the largest is about 2 in long.
The silk that spiders use to weave webs can be stronger than steel. Spiders are mostly predators that live in tropical regions where there are plenty of other insects to prey upon. There are many different types of spiders, including the following:
The Goliath birdeater is the largest spider in the world. It can have a body length of up to 9 in and a leg span of over 12. They are carnivorous, and their diet consists mainly of insects, frogs, lizards, and rodents. The venom injected by the Goliath birdeater is enough to kill a human in under three minutes.
Tarantulas are by far the largest spiders on average. Unfortunately, they are found only in the tropics and subtropics around the world. Most tarantula species make their burrow to live in using silk, dirt, and rocks. Some tarantulas can have a 4-in-long body with an 8-in leg span. When they feel threatened, tarantulas will rub their abdomen with their hind legs and release hairs that can cause a painful reaction on human skin.
Hobo spiders are found both indoors and outdoors in the Pacific Northwest of North America. They have a yellow or brown cephalothorax (head-breast part) and a gray abdomen. They are common in homes during fall to seek shelter inside before winter sets in. The venom of the hobo spider is less dangerous than many other species but can cause severe local pain, redness, and itching. People who have a condition known as coronary vasospasm may also experience chest pains if this spider bites them.
The Brazilian wandering spider or armed spider is known as one of the most venomous spiders globally. They are found on every continent except Antarctica and Australia. The brown and beige spiders live under logs, stones, or shrubs. It can grow to more than 1 in long and is often feared by people who live in South America, where it lives, and people who spiders around the world have bitten. The venom injected can cause pain, skin rashes, and feverishness, which in rare cases lead to death.
The Widows are also referred to as ‘button spiders’ or ‘black house spiders.’ They have a shiny black body and a distinct red hourglass-shaped mark on the underside of their abdomen. The size of this spider can vary from 0.25 to 1 in for females and less than 0.5 in for males. They are found worldwide and often indoors around houses and barns where they build webs and wait until prey comes near enough to catch strong venomous bites.
The Sac spider, known for its red markings on the underside of its abdomen, is native to the United States. The female body can be 1-3/8 in long with 1-1/4 in leg span, while males are smaller at just 3/16 in. They cannot climb smooth surfaces and prefer dark corners indoors to eat bedbugs, clothes, and booklice.
The hobo spider is found in the Pacific Northwest of North America. The hobo spider has a yellow or brown cephalothorax (head-breast part) and a gray abdomen. They are common in homes during fall to seek shelter inside before winter sets in.
Spiders, like other bugs such as beetles or butterflies, are insects; but spiders belong to their order called Araneae (from the Latin “aranea” for spider). Spiders have been on earth for over 300 million years.
Spiders usually eat insects and other invertebrates, but some larger species include small reptiles and amphibians in their diet. Some spiders will also feed on plant material such as sap or nectar. Tarantulas are carnivorous and prey on a wide variety of insects, frogs, lizards, and rodents.
Only female spiders have venom sacks. They are located behind the chelicerae. The medial, sub-chelate (rear legs) pair of chelicerae form a “fang” through which the spider injects its prey with venom; it can penetrate human skin to deliver its poison.
The life cycle of spiders includes eggs, several instars (stages), and adults.
The female spider lays her eggs in a silk sac and then places them safely on or under bark, leaves, and stones. The number of eggs laid by the female ranges from hundreds to thousands; the egg sac can be nearly spherical or elongated depending on the species. The eggs have a covering that hardens in contact with air, protecting them from predators and desiccation (drying out). The eggs hatch in the spring, with young spiderlings leaving their protective egg sac.
Male spiders mature faster than females, adult males can be found throughout the year, but adult females infrequently occur in most populations. In the autumn, males leave their webs in search of females. They can often be found at night wandering in search of a mate.
Spider Control Tips
Spider control can be accomplished in various ways and may depend on the type of spider you’re trying to eliminate. One way to get rid of spiders is through the use of sprays containing pyrethrum or rotenone. You can also physically remove spiders from your home by following their trail and vacuuming them up with a crevice tool or by spraying them with a strong jet of water if they’re high enough off the ground.
If you have a spider infestation caused by spiders nesting in your cushions or crawling into your bed, you can use insecticidal sprays to eliminate the problem. Also, be sure to remove piles of stored boxes and clutter from your home, as these are common nesting sites for many types of spiders.
Many people find spiders intolerable simply because they’re scared of these creepy crawlers. One way to deal with your fear is to summon up all your courage and then simply pick the spider up using a glove or tongs, put it into a sealed jar, and release it outdoors away from your home. This may be particularly difficult during the winter months when some spiders are abundant indoors.
To prevent spiders from nesting in your home, be sure to fix all cracks and small openings around windows and doors, as well as holes or gaps where plumbing pipes enter the house. Also, make sure that all screens fit tightly over their respective window or door frames.
Some people think they can get rid of spiders in their yard by using a pesticide. However, unless you have a severe spider problem, it’s probably best to leave them alone since they help gardeners by consuming a lot of other insects and pest species. On the other hand, if you simply can’t tolerate the idea of spiders crawling around in your yard, you might help the need for a professional exterminator.